
In my First Life, I can't afford trendy fashion. In my Second Life, I'll just learn to *make* trendy fashion.

Stalking Noam: Part 1.

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Here is a harmless tree. And a snowneko. Made by Noam.

...A Snoam.

(Well, I had to practice on something, right?)

Depending on how this stalking works out, I may chronicle it here on my blog XD

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Oh jesus, I didn't get a chance to look at this picture because my friend was over and he wanted to learn how to build stuff on SL.


You are nuts. haha!
Soon you'll realize i'm too boring to stalk.

See, I'm actually pretty lazy, so stalking a boring person means less work for me.

My friend totally took a freebie tree and chunked a *stalker AO* into it for me. He said I needed equipment. So it has one low crouch (pictured above) and a sneaky walk.

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